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Tuesday, March 10, 2009Y

prelims finally ended lol ....two months to the actual exams....must chiong already but i still down there slacking ...lol wat is this...everyday stay and home do nth....sian sian sian i find that i dun have the mood to chiong anymore.....why i have to do this everytime b4 major exams ..... so sickening .....

ends at 9:15 PM

Sunday, February 8, 2009Y

hai hai hai sian prelim coming staring 27 feb...have to study study study

my glasses broke yesterday while i was washing it under running water...i swear i didnt apply force to it and the side of the frame just came off...wat a joke i was shocked at tt pt of time lol.

my teeth looks neat ever since i put on braces (which is green rite now STRIKING!!!) HAHA so happy...

ends at 10:45 PM

Sunday, January 11, 2009Y

last fri, i went for my dental appointment first early in the morning the appoinment was 8.15 but i arrived early at 7.30am...my braces was adjusted but the wire sticking out really hurt my lips...anyway i changed my braces from violet to yellow...yeahhh hahaha
then finally i went to pay my exam fees..its like a burden off my shoulder as i have been struggling to get a cheque from the bank...wat a stupid process anyway i met huijun after that
we went to walk around in orchard
and we got bored then we go xiu qi sch da open hse and see see look look first...haha and saw chen di ya superstar hehe then we sat at the bench waiting for xiu qi to come...yea as soon as xq came she immediately treats me my fav bubble tea yea yea she still remember!!! (THANK YOU XIU QI) hahayup and then she brought us to her sch.....
we were told tt if we go all the booths to get the stampss we can exchange for bear bear yeah!!!!haha so first stop is abu how to put drip on the patient haha it was damn funny la the person demoing lol taking the needle put in put out lol
second stop: listening to heartbeat and breath dunno wat...cant really hear coz got tt techno music in the background
third stop: hj went to put cast on her hand lol after that i suddenly become doctor then go and deliver the baby lol plus cut umbilical cord some more lol then we went to do the cpr
fourth stop: we went to see 'babies' a baby born from an alcoholic mom will be lighter than a normal baby. furthermore, we do not shake the baby out of anger or frustration as their brain will accumulate blood that is the baby shaking syndrome
fifth stop: we went to the operating threate lol very scary
overall i feel that it is extremely interesting, educative and useful to know all this...lucky with xq around also i know much more stuff rite now yeahhhhhhh

so happy:))

ends at 2:42 PM

Tuesday, December 23, 2008Y

yeah yeah ...last sat ...me and kc finally tried out online shopping for the very first time haha so cool and fun....and we went to eat subways after that seriously tts my first time trying out subway...we ate buddy meal...really worth the money lol......for those ppl with braces and are about to eat subway for the very first time..remember: dun put all veges in ya bread u will have a hard time eating.....trust me!!!

the next day which is sunday....i had a wonderful early christmas cum pbf study party at neha's house with jacintha...we had loads of fun!!! we watched a dvd 200 pound beauty (which is extremely touching)...and ate lots of snack, i like the indian ice coffee made by neha we also ate chicken rice at her house....ice cream (yummy!!!) and neha taught us to make yoguet haha cool!!!

all of a sudden i thought of this song and i love it man!!!

Crush - David Archuleta

ends at 6:55 AM

Tuesday, November 18, 2008Y

omg omg omg.......i had a fever since yesterday...39.4 degree celcius ...wat is that rite now its 38.... although i appear quite normal but i actually having a fever...wat the hell....
i have been thinking of wat my life looks like since sch start 2 words to describe...meaningless and failure

-why i could nvr achieve my goals....
in pri sch....i once told my mom tt i would nvr wan to go fajar sec..but in the end i went in
in sec sch i hope i would wan to go into a better jc in the end i went innova
in jc...i swear i wan to go ntu or nus i couldn't make it ...i failed to prove tt i am able to do it
now i end up at sim ....maybe i just miss too many steps in life that i couldn't accomplish my goals....

wat the hell ...i am not fated to be a uni student?....all my tests are horrendous....i couldnt imagine...wat my exams would be..........haven been meeting up with my frens and colleagues....haven been making lots of close fren to eat, play and study tog...coz they often went home after sch or meeting their frens elsewhere.... my life is damn boring...how can i change my fate can anyone tell me

my very last goal is to get a first-class......but tt seems unrealistic....i know u all will think tt...
my head is really spinning now......i dunno wat my future is like

ends at 8:01 PM

Monday, November 3, 2008Y

hai hai hai...really have no time to blog recently coz there are 3 tests coming up....

first one is the econs test which i did today two qns; 1st monopoly 2nd perfect competition
hai i tell u ar...i totally flunked the test lor lol....not a single qn i know how to do....summore only 30mins....hai after this i felt really depressed how come i just couldnt understand wat i was taught even though i did read the notes and tutorial...........难道 'A'levels 阴影

i really wanna do well this time !!!

wish me luck for the other two examssss

ends at 12:41 AM

Tuesday, October 21, 2008Y

hai hai hai... thing to be done!!! IMPORTANT

1) PBF tutorial 7 plus 2 other qns from other tut
2) read PBF readings; chpt 3, 4, 10, 11
3) find ways to reprint my econs notes
4) study for econs test monopoly and perfect competition
5) revise maths-FOSV; lagrange onwards to the end
6) revise maths-matrix; read notes and do revision problems
7) accounting exercises 3 onwards
8) revise accounting notes chpt 4-6

arghhhhhh..........so many to be done... i fainted!!!!
*i have a crave for bubble tea rite now*

ends at 11:35 AM